Friday, September 17, 2010

Some clarity to start ...

So as you stumble upon this blog you may wonder (and rightly so), why would one possibly name it "arsenic and acrimony" and what could it possibly be about? Well it really is two fold, it is a little bit about the unravelling of relationships and the "well meaning" process(es) behind the unravelling and secondly it is about the bits of humour and enlightenment we find along the way... but before we jump in, I think a little clarity is in order as to the name ...

The name started because of an old Cary Grant movie named "Arsenic and Old Lace", the movie is about 2 elderly sisters who thought they were doing a public service by calmly poisoning, lonely elderly men who had no relationships. They truly believed that what they were doing served no harm and that they were being helpful. They had a system for helping those in need.

Now... how this movie plays into what this blog is about ... well there appears to be a system in place for helping those in need with their relationships, and the system truly believes that it is doing no harm ... we know this system as family law and family court.

Here is where the neat part comes in .... Arsenic is a poison that causes multi-system failure, and acrimony is a biting sharpness displayed in behaviour. Unfortunately, most who have had to deal with family law or the family court systems will tell you that there is most definitely a multi-system failure in place combined with incredible biting sharpness in the behaviours of all those involved... but wait ... this is the helping, doing no harm system! Well, I think you can see where I am going to be going with this ...

It is without a doubt that at some point in each of our lives we are given a dose of arsenic combined with some acrimony .... but what we do with the arsenic & acrimony in our lives is up to us, even when there appears to be little, few or no options remaining....there is always an option.

There is a lot of arsenic and acrimony in unravelling a relationship.... but there are some pretty entertaining stops long the way ... it is quite the journey...


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